The Ege Of The Stupid it all about what the persons did to not help the planet and we made it all bad for the earth because we are polluting alot and all the animals are dying.Like the oil spils and that killed alot of animals that live in the oceans.One peorson said that she dont want a wind turbine so she can see the sky.He show videos of what sum peorsons did to save Earth but was not so good and show a peorson that was screaming and firesome peorsons that work form him.He made a air plain and took his familly with him to take and some oter peorsons.The to kid got his brother back and got in a cabcar to go pick him up
and take him back to his familly bexasus thy miss him and thy tryd to go way frome home and to a new city.To peorsons wint to go see a peorons about what is going on in the invaierment.And then hi send it to space to see who will found it and thy will see what we did and not to do in the futer.
Instead of saying persons, try using the word people.