Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog post 10

Source 1)
Ridst teachers
Source 2)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog #12 The Ege Of The Stupid

The Ege Of The Stupid it all about what the persons did to not help the planet and we made it all bad for the earth because we are polluting alot and all the animals are dying.Like the oil spils and that killed alot of animals that live in the oceans.One peorson said that she dont want a wind turbine so she can see the sky.He show videos of what sum peorsons did to save Earth but was not so good and show a peorson that was screaming and firesome peorsons that work form him.He made a air plain and took his familly with him to take and some oter peorsons.The to kid got his brother back and got in a cabcar to go pick him up
and take him back to his familly bexasus thy miss him and thy tryd to go way frome home and to a new city.To peorsons wint to go see a peorons about what is going on in the invaierment.And then hi send it to space to see who will found it and thy will see what we did and not to do in the futer.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brian V #9

How to properly Cite Internet Resources
Aurthor.Title of Website.Web address or URL COPYright date. Date you found the information.

Thinkquest: Explorers of the Millenium

Title Found October 7, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Brian V 2010 BLOG #6

The moust danger their is right now is water pollution and also trash pollution so it will not end up in the water and that's who you get water pollution and it is not fun when you drink bad water and in the water comes a dirty paper and you will want to make a difference but some times are to late to change so we need to steer now and to not be pollution.But what are we going to due with trash we need to make shire that it need to make it in the trash and to be recycles like paper's,plastic,boxes so we need to do this steps REUSE, RIDUSE AND RECYCLE.An to see a dead animal do not trow him in the river so we need to be in control or we are not than who is going to be risponsebul for are actions.