Monday, January 23, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flash Renders

1)Place everything on it's own layer.
2)Place coressponding layer in the same folder
3)Label layers and folders
4)You must assign Instance name to symbols
5)Upload ALL of your work on to the WIKI ,whether it is complete or not

Monday, January 9, 2012

Globaloria and GameFication , Game Design & Game Mechanics

What i learn in globaloria is like if I was in a place where you learn and know about other subjects and computers.

Well all the skils I have learn I only knoe this one 1)How to change the font colors 2)How to make the words get bigger 3)And how to make my page back ground look like squares

This skills can help me successful in life because some people don't know about it and I can teach them them and get good money for it.

New Years Goals

My goals for 2012

1)To get better grades in my classes
2)To pass all of my classes with a 70 or above
3)To turn in all of my Homework in time
4)To finish my homework when I am at my house
5)To bring up all of the classes that I am not passing
6)To chill with my brother when he is not working or with is friends
7)To be better at school
8)Don't do any drugs if they ask me
9)Be a good student and a kid
10)To try to have fun in school or in classes